
  HUST Foundation Program

Program Description

This program provides a comprehensive English training featuring listening, speaking, reading and writing for the undergraduates who will major Telecommunication Engineering, Machine Design Manufacturing and Automation, Pharmacy, MBBS and Nursing taught in English. It aims at cultivating the students with a solid language basis and a general understanding of the theoretical knowledge of their future major. The five English-taught undergraduate programs above are the earliest programs in China for international undergraduate education and this foundation program is playing a vital role in preparing the students for the major study. 

Main Courses

1.       Basic English:

Elementary English listening, Elementary English speaking, Elementary English reading, Elementary English writing

Intermediate English listening, Intermediate English speaking, Intermediate English reading, Intermediate English writing

2.       Specialized English:

Medical English

3.       Basic Knowledge of Major:

Biology, Chemistry

4.  Chinese Language and Culture

Elementary Comprehensive Chinese, Brief introduction to Chinese Culture


16 weeks, 30 class hours/week (1 class hour=45 min)

Tuition fee:

RMB 17500

Transcript & Certificate

The final score consists of two parts: 1/daily attendance and course test (50%) 2/final exam (50%)

Certificate of Completion will be granted to the students who pass the exams (more than 60/100)

Certificate of Study will be granted to the students who fail the exam (less than 60/100).

Address: Luoyu Road 1037, Wuhan, China
Tel: +86 27 87542457    Email: (Admission Office)

©2017 Huazhong University of Science and Technology