
Experts contribute to Local Media

Dec 21, 2015

Recently the local English newspaper Changjiang Weekly published an article reporting the international experts' contribution to local medias.

Francesco Maglioccola, Architect Ph.D. and Assistant professor of University of Naples Parthenope, Department of Engineering, is a visiting professor of HUST. He has lived in Wuhan for more than two years. He is interested in the local culture and cultural exchange activities. For him, the Changjiang Weekly is an indispensable communication tool.

Francesco Maglioccola says he reads the paper every week to learn about the changes taking place in Wuhan. Two weeks ago, he returned to his hometown, Naples, Italy. While he was there, he showed the paper to a number of local officials.
 "Promoting the newspaper abroad is important. I hope I can contribute to the development of a strong relationship between Wuhan and Naples.

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