On the afternoon of September 27th, executive board members of the China Entrepreneur Club visited Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, the national major scientific and technological infrastructure in Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). This was the first time the Center has welcomed an entrepreneur delegation.

The Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center is the only large scientific research platform for high magnetic fields in China; and one of only four major centers studying this field in the world. It provides foreign and domestic scientists with extreme experimental conditions including ultra-strong magnetic fields, extreme cryogenic temperatures and ultra-high pressures. Also provided are research facilities for basic and frontier disciplines such as condensed matter physics, materials, chemistry and life science.
During the visit, Yusuo Wang, President of China Entrepreneur Club and Chairman of the Board of ENN Group, was very impressed by the research of Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center.

ENN Group has been committed to clean energy technology innovation for a long time. Its Energy Research Institute began researching fusion technology involving magnetic confinement technology in 2017, building the first provincial-level major laboratory for compact fusion in China.

Written by: Aoyi Zhang
Edited by: Shengyuan Ma, Scott, Yumeng Peng
Source: Hubei Broadcast and Television Station