During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the international influence of academic papers from HUST has greatly improved. This is seen in the number of papers published reaching a new high; the citation frequency increasing; the citation influence of category normalization rising; more papers published in top and high-level journals; and the scale of international cooperation being further expanded.
Data Source:
Science Citation Index Expanded(SCI-E)
Social Sciences Citation Index(SSCI)
Publication Date: 2011-2020
Type of Paper: Article, Review
Universities for comparison: 42 "Double First-class" universities
Date Retrieved: May 19, 2021
Note: In this article, international academic papers refer to papers indexed by SCI-E and SSCI.
During the period of "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" (2016-2020), 42,252 international academic papers were published by HUST, which is 2.02 times of the number of papers in the period of "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" (2011-2015).

From 2011 to 2020, the number of international academic papers published by HUST increased steadily year by year, exceeding 10,000 in 2020.

The number of international academic papers of HUST ranked the 6th place in the “Thirteenth Five-Year” period among “Double First-Class” universities, rising notably from the 10th place in the “Twelfth Five-Year” period.

Compared with the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period, the number of papers in the engineering field increased the most during the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, followed by clinical medicine; environment and ecology enjoyed the fastest percentage growth, followed by psychiatry and psychology.

From the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period to the thirteenth, the total number of citations of international academic papers published by HUST rose from 9th to 5th place among the rankings of "Double First-Class" universities.

Taking [D1] overlapping 5 year intervals, the citation frequency of international academic papers published by HUST increased steadily in each interval. The citation frequency during the two most recent intervals, 2015-2019 and 2016-2020, increased greatly.

From 2011 to 2020, HUST’s Category Normalized Citation Impact (CNCI) showed a rising trend. 891 COVID-19 research papers were published by HUST in 2020, which were highly influential, and these papers reached a high CNCI value of 33.43, which improved the CNCI value of HUST during the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period (including Year 2020). In 2020 alone, the value of CNCI soared to 3.77.

During the period from the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” to the thirteenth, HUST’s CNCI value increased from 1.21 to 2.03, which marks HUST’s growing academic influence.

During the period of the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan”, the number of papers published in Science, Nature and Cell by HUST drastically increased compared with the period of the previous Five-Year Plan.

During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, 38 papers were published in four of the most prestigious journals within the field of medicine, increasing from 5 during the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period.

The number of papers published in top journals selected by National Science Library of the Chinese Academy of Sciences increased significantly. Compared with the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period, the number of top journal papers in the field of engineering increased the most during the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, followed by medical science. Increases of published papers in environment and ecology disciplines were greatest, followed by comprehensive disciplines.

During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, HUST published 11,737 joint papers with international partners, which is 2.26 times that of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period. The proportion of international joint papers increased from 24.80% in the previous five-year plan to 27.78%.

During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, the number of countries and regions cooperating with HUST increased from 94 during the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period to 136.

Source: HUST Library
Written by: Liu Yikang
Edited by: Scott, Peng Yumeng
Illustrated by: Li Xuejie