Big Stories

NCNU delegation visits HUST

May 13, 2024

From April 24 to 26, a delegation from the EMBA program at the College of Management of National Chi Nan University (NCNU) paid a visit to HUST. A series of activities were held, including enterprise visits, academic lectures and interactive sessions with entrepreneurs, aiming at helping young entrepreneurs know each other and promoting cross-Strait academic exchanges and cooperation.



On the morning of April 25, the welcome ceremony was held at the School of Management. Attendees included Sheng Jingbo, Deputy Director of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs Office of HUST, Chong-Chuo Chang, Dean of the Office of the College of Management of NCNU, Yang Zhi, Dean of the School of Management of HUST, etc.



Sheng, Yang and Chang delivered speeches at the ceremony. Sheng extended a warm welcome to the delegation, briefly introduced HUST and commended the efforts of the EMBA Education Center and the Office of Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan Affairs for this delegations visit. Yang introduced the School of Management. Then Chang provided an overview of the College of Management of National Chi Nan University (NCNU) and expressed his gratitude for HUST’s warm reception. Afterwards representatives from both sides exchanged gifts and took photos.




Yang presented a lecture on Innovative Management and Enterprise Change, delving into the current challenges and sharing strategic approaches for companies innovation. Professor Hsin-Yu Shih, Director of the Department of International Business Studies at the College of Management of NCNU, delivered a speech titled “The Invisible Hand Behind Technological Innovation”.



During the visit, accompanied by Professor Hu Peng, Assistant Dean of the School of Management of HUST, the delegation toured the showroom and workshops of HGTECH. As a leading company in domestic laser industry, HGTECH impressed the visitors with its advanced laser processing technology and innovation.



Invited by Optics Valley Talent Group, the delegation visited the showrooms of the United Imaging Wuhan Headquarters and the Optics Valley Central City, gaining insights into the regions latest achievements in medical technology and urban development.



The delegation also toured various landmarks of HUST.




Written by: Shi Chenyang

Edited by: Wang Xinyi, Chang Wen, Peng Yumeng

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