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Major forum of 2024 Space Day of China held at HUST

May 15, 2024

On April 25, the major forum of the 2024 Space Day of China, part of China Space Conference serial activities, was held at HUST. Experts in the field of aerospace got together and discussed industrial development, integration of industry and education, as well as future trends.



On the morning of April 25, the Forum on the Development of the Aerospace Industry was held at HUST where experts and scholars gathered together to discuss industrial development under the theme of "commercial space promotes aviation and low-altitude economy increases vitality". At the forum, the Commercial Space and Low-Altitude Economy Industry-Education Alliance of Central Region was inaugurated.


Wang Yiran, Vice President and Secretary General of the Chinese Society of Astronautics, Li Ping, former Director of the National Center for Schooling Development Programme and Vice President of the Chinese Society for Technical and Vocational Education, and Zhang Guangjun, Chair of the University Committee of HUST, attended the forum and delivered speeches. Yu Dengyun and Tang Zhigong, Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, participated in the activity. Gao Liang, Vice President of HUST, presided over the opening ceremony.


Wang Yiran said that the forum aimed to strengthen industry-university-research cooperation and promote the transformation, upgrading and innovative development of China's aerospace industry. The Aerospace Industrialization Working Committee of the Chinese Society of Astronautics will facilitate deep cooperation and accelerate the development of commercial space and low-altitude economy.



Li Ping said that the in-depth cooperation from every side will further optimize the talent training model, promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into industry, and help the innovative development of the aerospace industry and low-altitude economy.


Zhang Guangjun introduced the development of aerospace-related subjects and the School of Aerospace Engineering of HUST. He said that HUST would make fully use of its advantages in many fields and cultivate more talents to contribute to building China into a space power. He also hoped that the members of the Commercial Space and Low-Altitude Economy Industry-Education Alliance of Central Region would deepen cooperation and exchanges based on the alliance, shouldering new responsibilities in promoting the rise of the central region.



Yu Dengyun, Wang Yiran, Li Ping and Gao Liang jointly inaugurated the Commercial Space and Low-Altitude Economy Industry-Education Alliance of Central Region.



The Industry-Education Alliance was initiated by the School of Aerospace Engineering of HUST, voluntarily formed by leading enterprises and universities related to the aerospace industry.


Focusing on various themes including technological innovation, achievements application, etc., the experts jointly discussed new technologies, new paths and new modes. The keynote speech session of the conference was presided over by Li Zhenhuan, Executive Dean of the School of Aerospace Engineering.


Tan Wenjie, Deputy Director of the Industrial Development Division of the Office of the Commission for Integrated Military and Civilian Development of Hubei Province, introduced the industrial layout of commercial space and low-altitude economy in Hubei Province; Yu Dengyun made a report entitled "Exploiting Lunar Resources and Developing the Space Industry: Reflections on New Quality Productive Forces"; Wu Chunfeng, Chen Hu and Cai Xiaodong delivered reports respectively at the conference.




Written by: Guan Xinyu

Edited by: Zhang Mingyue, Chang Wen, Peng Yumeng

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