
Prof. Richard B. Freeman of Harvard Honored as HUST Advisory Professor

Mar 10, 2017


In the morning of February 22nd, Harvard Prof. Richard B. Freeman was honored as the Advisory Professor of HUST. The HUST Vice President Ms. Zhan Yiqing issued the certificate.

Prof. Richard B.Freeman currently is the American national academician of arts and sciences and meanwhile he is also Herbert Ascherman Professor of Economics, Harvard University.

The vice dean of HUST School of Economics, Prof.Ouyang Hongbing, made a brief introduction of the academic achievements of Prof. Freeman on economy and related subjects.

Zhan Yiqing extended warm welcome to Prof. Freeman for his joining HUST. She pointed out that HUST School of Economics had held a long cooperation with Harvard University. As an internationally-recognized economist, Prof. Freeman’s participation is of great significance to the development of School of Economics.

After the meeting, Prof. Freeman lectured on the Economics Forum for the Memory of Prof. Zhang Peigang. He shared his understanding about the patent booming phenomenon appeared in China and worldwide. It indicated that China is welcoming her age of invention and creation.

 Prof. Freeman is expected to explore further cooperation with HUST in the fields of Labor Economics and Creation and Patent Application.






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