
Tongji Hospital Sino-France New City Branch Established

Oct 24, 2016


On Oct. 8 a.m., a medical rescue helicopter landed on the parking apron of Tongji Hospital (HUST) Sino-France New City Branch, carrying a seriously injured patient in a traffic accident from Xianning to Wuhan. This event means that Tongji Hospital (the headquarter), together with its two branch hospitals, has built up an air rescue network in Wuhan, central China.

Earlier at around 5 a.m., patients from nearby suburbs and other surrounding districts of Wuhan flooded into the new Branch. Mrs. Xu, a seven-month pregnant from suburd district, said with happiness, “I can see doctors from Tongji Hospital without traveling across the city now.” Ms. Wu, a wheel-chaired paralytic patient, took a picture of the new hospital with her sister. “Eventually the Tongji Hospital Branch becomes our neighbor, we don’t have to run to Hankou for medical treatment any more.”

On the open day, the outpatient quantity was 4607 person-times; 273 people were hospitalized; 16 surgeries were operated.

Tongji Hospital has 8 national key disciplines and 30 national clinical priority specialties. It hosts around 60 senior professors and 600 famous experts.The president of Tongji Hospital says, “Our experts will always follow the patient wherever he is. As the national medical team, Tongji Hospital serves as an important pillar for Wuhan to build a national-level medical center and an ecological livable city. Together with the east Branch of Optics Valley and the west Branch of Health Valley, the three Branches will jointly contribute to the overall strategic layout of Wuhan.”




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