
German Federal Minister of Health Hermann Gröhe Crowned Honorary Professor

Jun 17, 2016


On June 14, German Federal Minister of Health Hermann Gröhe was crowned as Honorary Professor of HUST.HUST President Ding Lieyun attended the ceremony. President of Tongji Hospital Prof. Xu Yongjian issued the certificate.

Hermann Gröhe pointed out in his address that the bilateral cooperation with Tongji Hospital plays a unique role in the German-Chinese cooperation in public health. The German-Chinese cooperation is of great potential and we both sides are still moving forward on the path that Dr. Paulum Erich had built one hundred years ago. The establishment of Chinese-German Friendship Hospital is a great milestone for the bilateral collaboration.

Ding Lieyun expressed his appreciations to German friends for the long-term friendship and cooperation. He hoped that HUST could grasp the opportunity and to further the bilateral cooperation and friendship to a higher level.

In 2012 Tongji Hospital had got the German KTQ International quality certificate, which is a good combination of German hospital management experience with Chinese hospitals. It also symbolized that Tongji Hospital has met with European medical requirements.

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