Big Stories

2024 HUST - NUS "Global Competence" seminar held

Aug 29, 2024

From August 18th to 25th, HUST and the National University of Singapore (NUS) jointly hosted the 2024 HUST- NUS Global Competence” seminar. 25 Administrative officials and staff from HUST participated in the 6-day seminar at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore.

When addressing the opening ceremony on August 19th, Chen Jie, Director of the Office of International Affairs of HUST, pointed out that NUS is one of HUSTs most important partners in Asia, and that HUST hopes to learn from the strategies and measures of advanced universities in Asia to further internationalize its management system. Associate Professor Wu Muluan, former Assistant Dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at NUS and representative of the teaching staff for the seminar, delivered a welcome speech.

In the 6-day seminar, participants attended 9 lectures, while conducting 20 field investigations, group discussions, and targeted exchange activities.

The lectures combined theoretical knowledge with vivid case studies. Focusing on how to enhance international competency, the seminar started from Singapore's higher education, NUS's education philosophy and administration model, and international campus construction, covering such areas as education reform and innovation, administrative structure, university entrepreneurship education, and lifelong learning education.


As part of field research, participants visited the NUS University Town, experienced the internationalized learning atmosphere at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), and conducted on-site research on the campus construction of Singapore Management University (SMU).




At the graduation ceremony, Wu Muluan and Professor Huang Baojin from the Department of Strategy and Policy at NUS School of Business presented the completion certificates to the participants. Wu stated that both HUST and NUS uphold the spirit of openness and inclusiveness, hoping for there to be more in-depth discussions with HUST in the future. In his concluding speech, Zhan Jian, Executive Deputy Director of the Office of Publicity of HUST and head of the HUST delegation, extended sincere gratitude to the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy of NUS for the well-organized sessions. He hoped that the two universities will enhance cooperation in scientific research, talent training, and other areas.

The 2024 HUST-NUS "Global Competence" seminar is an important initiative for HUST to implement its Global Strategy 2030 and enhance the international competence of its faculty and staff, aiming at building a high-quality and professional international talent team, and enhancing the university's governance capacity and international influence.

Written by: Yu Shiyun

Edited by: Zhang Shiyu, Chang Wen, Peng Yumeng

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