On November 2021, the China-EU Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy (ICARE) of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) won the Golden Badge from Oxford Internship Office. This is the second time that ICARE has received the golden badge, first time in 2019.

The ICARE-Oxford International Summer Camp started from 2013, co-organized by ICARE and the School of International Education, HUST. Oxford students will come to HUST for 2-month research internship in academic departments according to their own majors and research interests during the summer break. Besides, they will attend a variety of summer camp activities arranged by the university.

With the joint support of the leaders, faculties and students from both sides, the project has received unanimous praise from everyone involved, and gradually becomes a communication channel between the two universities to promote cultural exchanges. Over 7 years, more than 180 Oxford students submitted application for this project and 56 students have participated in the project, among which 36 students received full scholarship from the University of Oxford and 10 students received full scholarship from HUST.

ICARE is a non-independent Sino-foreign cooperative education institution. It is an important platform for China-EU cooperation in the field of higher education under the China-EU High Level People-to-People Dialogue. It is also the first important cooperation project between China and EU government in the field of engineering education cooperation. In March 2012, ICARE was formally established with the approval of the Ministry of Education, China. Since then, it has carried out 3+0 postgraduate degree education in the field of clean and renewable energy. For nine years, a total of 438 graduates have obtained dual degrees both in China and in France, and 128 international students from 40 countries and regions have been enrolled.
Source: Office of International Affairs
Edited by: Cai Jia