Campus Life

Flower sea celebrates graduation season

Jun 10, 2024

In the picturesque May, the south of the West-12 Teaching Building welcomes a sea of flowers, presenting students with sincere blessings of the "university in the forest."

From sunflowers, galsang flowers to verbenas, the flower fields beside the West-12 Teaching Building embody the profound wishes of HUST for its students. Since 2021, HUST would prepare flower fields as a special gift for graduates to celebrate the graduation season.



Flowers in the fields are all planted by students from various departments during their volunteer labor classes. After careful maintenance, the seedlings grew robustly, blooming into a splendid sea of flowers. They not only form a beautiful landscape, but also can be used for research projects and green protection.





Written by: Re Mila

Edited by: Yang Kunjie, Chang Wen, Peng Yumeng



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