
2016 HUST Commencement Ceremony Hold

Jun 21, 2016


On the morning of June 18, 2016 HUST Commencement Ceremony was hold in the Optical Valley Gymnamsium. More than 7000 graduates and their parents attended and waved farewell to their four-year campus life.

In his address, President Ding Lieyun recalled those wonderful time the graduates have experienced in the past four years. He also urged the graduates to shoulder their social responsibility to serve the country.

Wang Chaoyong, the founder of ChinaEquity Group, was invited as the representative of HUST alumni to speech on the ceremony. Wang encouraged the young generation to strive for their dreams rain or shine.

Mr. Peng Tianhai, whose son Peng Fangzheng is the undergraduate of School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, expressed on behalf of the graduates’ family members his appreciations and thanks to the faculty and staff members of the university.

Guo Ziqi from School of Economics also spoke on the ceremony as the representative of all graduates. Guo will go to Qinghua University to pursue her master degree study.  

HUST President Ding Lieyun and school leaders turned the tassels for the graduates at the end of the ceremony.



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