Big Stories

HUST's School of Management attends ICAM 2024

May 3, 2024

A delegation led by Prof. Yang Zhi, Dean of the School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), was in Atlanta, the USA from April 15th to 17th to attended the AACSB 2024 International Conference and Annual Meeting (AACSB ICAM 2024). The conference featured two keynote speeches under the themes of "Scenes from the Future: A Forecast for Business Schools" and "The Power of a Positive Mindset in the Midst of Challenges." These presentations looked to the future of business education through the lenses of technology as well as human-centered approaches.



During the conference, Yang Zhi had conversations with Geoff Perry, Executive Vice President of AACSB, sharing updates on the School's preparations for the AACSB re-accreditation. HUST School of Management received its initial AACSB accreditation in 2020 with a five-year accreditation term and faces its re-accreditation review in November this year. Geoff Perry commended the School's international standing and its re-accreditation preparations.


Yang Zhi engaged in deep discussions with Chandra Subramaniam, the Dean of the David Nazarian College of Business and Economics at California State University, Northridge (CSUN), during the ICAM 2024. Yang focused on introducing the preparation and arrangements of a joint summer course program co-organized by HUST and CSUN. Subramaniam expressed gratitude for the efforts made by HUST and the School of Management to prepare the program and looked forward to its implementation.


The program was co-launched in this February by HUST's School of Management and CSUN's David Nazarian College of Business and Economics, following the signing of a Cooperation Framework Agreement between the two universities in last December. 18 American students selected from 200 interested students will study management accounting at HUST in July. The program features courses co-taught by the Chinese and American faculties, with credits recognized by CSUN. Participants will receive funding from the China Scholarship Council.



Yang Zhi also discussed with participants from other institutions, including Sophie Kacki, manager of the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME).





Written by: Zhang Shiyu

Edited by: Yang Kunjie, Chang Wen, Peng Yumeng

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